2009-10 Flower Memorials

Unconfirmed Donor and Honoree List from our historical calendar    As we start the new church season we also start a new flower memorial season. The following list was created to help members  identify Sundays they wish to continue their remembrances and to suggest dates that others might wish to consider.  As in the past a $35 donation is requested.  Please call the church office (331-1960) to confirm or initiate your request(s).

13   Gathering Sunday Ruth Whitford for Ted Whitford
20  Eunice Claflin for Ida Ballou Littlefield
27  Robert Stout for Jeanne Stout

4    Jean Edwards for Mr. Knight Edwards. Mr. and Mrs William H. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Seeber Edwards
11   Kim Greene for Andrew (Andy) Greene
18  Anne Littlefield for Mr. And Mrs.Ivory Littlefield, Mr. Bancroft Littlefield, Jean Edwards for Kenneth James Tanner
Barbara Littlefield Tanner
25   Mary Staples for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Staples, Richard Staples, Gordon Holmes for Gordon and Doris Holmes

1     OPEN  New Member Sunday
8     OPEN (honoring our saints, forgotten and remembered)
15    Carolyn Cumming for John Stuart Cumming, Jr.
22    Thanksgivng Festival Service, Frances Gross for Charles E. Gross, Mr. And Mrs. C. Salisbury Makepeace, Charles S. Makepeace, Jr.
29    OPEN

6    Dazzle Gidley for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devoe
13  Martha Sherman for Edwin F. Sherman, Jr.
20 & 24   Christmas Memorial Flowers, Sunday morning Service, afternoon Carol Service, Family and candlelight Christmas Eve Services
27   Christmas Lessons and Carols, Henry Arnold for Samuel T. & Vera S. Arnold


5    OPEN
12  OPEN
19  Mrs. Paul Nicholson for Mr. and Mrs. A. Heyward McAlpin, Elizabeth McAlpin Froment, Allan H. McAlpin, Jr.
26  Louise Hickman for Norman and Emma Mason

7   OPEN Scout Sunday
14  Judith Jamieson for Frances Steffes Jamieson, William Neil Jamieson, Lena Catherine Jamieson, Kathryn Steffes Johnston, James Alexander Harvie Jamieson
21   Wes Yando for Betsey Yando, William Claflin for Albert Whitman Claflin, & Harriet Ames Fuller Claflin, Margaret Ames Fuller, Elizabeth Fuller Claflin Rowe, & William Leavitt Jackson
28  OPEN

7    Don MacIntosh for Doris MacIntosh
14    Kim Greene for Andrew William Greene
21    OPEN
28    OPEN

4    EASTER Memorial Flowers
11    OPEN
18   OPEN
25   Carolyn Cumming  for Dr. Harry E. Darrah.

2    Janice Libby for Donald S. Libby
9    Eunice Claflin for Catherine Berruex, Herbert Newell Couch, Eunice Burr Couch
16   ? for  Ruth E. Masison
23   OPEN Pentecost Sunday
30  OPEN

6   OPEN
13  Gerry and De Immonen for Mikko Luke Immonen
7    OPEN Scout Sunday
14   Judith Jamieson for Frances Steffes Jamieson, William Neil Jamieson, Lena Catherine Jamieson, Kathryn Steffes Johnston, James Alexander Harvie Jamieson
21   Wes Yando for Betsey Yando, William Claflin for Albert Whitman Claflin & Harriet Ames Fuller Claflin, Margaret Ames Fuller, Elizabeth Fuller Claflin Rowe & William Leavitt Jackson
28    OPEN

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