Become a Member

If you’re thinking about becoming a member of Central, we’d love to talk with you more about it.

Simply fill out a pew card during Sunday Worship - or call or email the Church Office (401-331-1960 / and request a call from our senior minister Patrick Faulhaber.  Or, you can attend one of the Inquirers’ Meetings held three times a year.  This is an informal gathering - with no commitment required.  Just a chance to talk with Patrick and others like you who think Central may be the right church home.

If you decide to go ahead, a week later there’s another casual get-together for Faith Exploration. Prospective members bond by sharing stories of faith and discussing what they want and need in a church.

If you decide to join the church on New Member Sunday, a “shepherd” will reach out to you.  He or she will guide you through the membership process, answer your questions, and, we hope, become one of your first new friends at Central.  Your shepherd will stick by you during the first year of membership - and possibly longer - to help you take advantage of the opportunities, camaraderie, and peace that await you here at Central.

The new member ceremony itself is very simple.  During Worship, we will ask you to come forward and read the Salem Covenant (1629) in unison with the rest of our congregation.

We covenant with the Lord and with one another
and do bind ourselves in the presence of God,
to walk together in all the ways which are revealed to us by God,
as the Word is made known to us.

After the service, there is a receiving line - where you will meet more people than you could ever remember - and an informal New Member Luncheon.