Central Congregational Church
COVID-19 Plan for Re-Gathering in the Sanctuary for Worship (09/20)
Name: Central Congregational Church – United Church of Christ (Place of Worship)
Address: 296 Angell Street, Providence RI 02906
Office phone: 401-331-1960
Office Manager: Jennifer Fallon
email: jenn@centralchurch.us
Contact: The Reverend Rebecca L. Spencer, Senior Minister
Phone: 401-331-1960
email: rlspencer@centralchurch.us
N.B. Plan applies to religious services for worship
Face Masks and Coverings
- Congregation members have been informed via individual correspondence and Church newsletter of the requirement to wear face masks at all services and meetings, unless an individual can easily, continuously and measurably maintain at least six (6) feet of distance from other worshippers/staff/visitors for the duration of the time in the building.