Readings: Hebrews 11: 1-6, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
So far, I have been given about 28.2 million minutes on this earth (give or take 100,000). Tonight, I’ve been given about 15 minutes to tell you about it. Fortunately for you all, my memory isn’t that good…
My thoughts may seem a bit random or scattered as I share them with you. But, I hope, when I’m done, you’ll see the connection.
I was born in Providence. I’ve always found special meaning in being able to say that. Even when the context of that statement refers to a locality or a zip code, which it almost always does, I say it with an understanding that I truly WAS… born in Providence – born into the loving and benevolent guidance of God – born into God’s loving grace, as were all of you.… [Read More]