January 2025 Newsletter

Central News

January 2025  Vol. 33, No. 5

Download the PDF version of the January Newsletter

Join Us for Sunday Worship at 10:30 am!

A Good Word From Patrick

Hey folks! Happy New Year!

As a church, our new year technically began with the first week of Advent back in December. Either way you count it, new beginnings always carry hope. Whether we’re longing for the full presence of God to awaken in our lives or striving to cultivate habits that attune us to God’s presence, each New Year brings intention and promise.… [Read More]

December 2024 Newsletter

Central News

December 2024    Vol. 33, No. 4

Join Us for Sunday Worship at 10:30 am!

Download a PDF Copy of the December Newsletter

A Good Word From Patrick

We are officially in Advent. So, happy New Year! The Christian liturgical year begins with the promise of God’s presence, not with the incarnation itself, nor with the resurrection. We celebrate new beginnings with the advent of hope. For a Christian people, the new year starts with faithful anticipation. We begin with trust that God is still moving, even before we see the evidence of that hope.… [Read More]

Central Congregational Church, a member of the United Church of Christ, was established in 1852. An Open and Affirming Global Mission Church, Central is open to all regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual identity or orientation, economic circumstance, or physical ability. We strive to be a community of God's people in a way that honors every life and calls each of us to active discipleship through worship, caring, sharing, and outreach.

Christianity is the name of a journey, a journey open to everyone. Each of us comes from unique circumstances, with unique baggage and expectations.

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November 2023 Newsletter

Central News

November 2023  Vol. 32, No. 3

Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30 am!

Download the PDF version of the November newsletter

From Rebecca

Dear Friends, during college, I spent three months working in Israel through the Experiment in International Living. Half of the time was working at a kibbutz plucking turkeys, the other half at a moshav picking peaches. This time was instrumental in shaping my journey toward ordained Christian ministry. The family who took me in at Moshav Be’er Tuvia had two children, a younger sister and a boy, Moti, who was my age.… [Read More]

Christmas Ornament Painting Party

Saturday, Nov, 4, 10 am

This is a great opportunity to make wonderful gifts and keepsakes for your friends, family, and teachers – not to mention ornaments for the Central Christmas Tree as well as your tree at home! We’ll provide the fun, paint, ornaments, and of course some snacks. It may be messy, so bring an old shirt, apron, or painting smock to protect your clothes. RSVP to Antonia Greco.

September 2023 Newsletter

Central News

September 2023 | Vol. 32, No. 1

Join us Gathering Sunday, September 10, at 10:30 am!

Download the PDF version of the September Newsletter

From Rebecca

Dear friends, a few years ago some of my colleagues and I met with Professor Stanley Hauerwas, great theologian, fantastic raconteur, and son of a bricklayer. The August 14 issue of The New Yorker quoted him in a short essay about Leah Hunt-Hendrix, grand-daughter of H.L. Hunt, Dallas oilman estimated in 1967 to be the wealthiest person in America. Leah studied with Stanley at Duke University, and during a conversation, when he realized her family background, he told her, “My daddy must have laid bricks for your granddaddy.”… [Read More]

Join Dine with Nine!

Deadline: Oct. 22


The Membership Committee invites you to join Central’s new “supper club,” open to church members and friends of all ages. Kids, too! Sign up here – https://forms.gle/52JzZ9mt6p88PHiw5 – or pick up a form in the church office. We’ll put together groups based on responses. Then groups will meet – about once a month – for a potluck dinner. It’s a great way to get to know each other!

May 2022 Newsletter

Central News

May 2022              Vol. 30, No. 9

Download the PDF version of the May Newsletter

From Rebecca

Dear Central friends, Easter has come, and with it new life. We see the world, old and tired though it may be, with a new lens of wonder, amazement, and hope. While we are in this in-between time of spring, summer is coming, and so I offer this Mary Oliver poem.

The Summer Day

I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.[Read More]

April 2022 Newsletter

Central News

Apr 2022              Vol. 30, No. 8

Download the PDF version of this Newsletter

Join Us for Sunday Worship at 10:30 am!

From Rebecca

Dear friends, Easter comes, as it does, on the dark heels of Lent … carrying with it the strength of hope and new dawn, the power of God’s grace, the invitation to each of us for new life – here and now and forever.

While we need that strength and power and invitation every year, this year seems especially important to shout “Alleluia. Christ is Risen.”… [Read More]

Reimagining Chapel Hall

The Campaign to Reimagine Chapel Hall is now at 62.2 percent of goal – and construction is underway! We have removed the old stage and several layers of flooring, including a layer with asbestos. So far, there has been only one major surprise: an unexpected pipe. But Chapel Hall already looks larger, and it is exciting to envision what it will become as we rebuild this important gathering place – with a new stairway and doors; a lower, more accessible stage; and furniture stored away in closets.  See the progress for yourself on our new online Construction Photo Album.