Church School

Church School at Central is a safe and loving place for your children to begin their journeys in faith.  Through Bible stories and lessons - combined with creative arts, crafts, drama, music, and reflection - we encourage them to discover and explore what it means to follow the lessons of God’s love and to live and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Our program is ecumenical, international, inclusive, and culturally diverse.  We employ a multi-learning approach that not only makes Christian education engaging and fun, but also empowers children to articulate their beliefs and discoveries.  Drop in any time and see for yourself!

Preschool to Eighth Grade

September through June, children go to Sunday Worship with their parents and stay through “Children’s Time.”  Then, they head to the Church School gathering space for a few minutes of music and prayer before class.

  • Pre-Schoolers:  Gabriel’s Gang
  • Kindergarteners:  Shepherds
  • First Graders:  Prophets
  • Second Graders:  Stargazers
  • Third GradersDisciples
  • Fourth - Fifth Graders:  Peacemakers
  • Sixth-Eighth Graders: Dream-Makers
September: Gathering Sunday
October: World Communion
November:All Saints Day Procession
December:Christmas Pageant
January:Homeless Awareness
February:Valentines for Homebound Friends
March/April:Palm Sunday Procession
Easter Family Breakfast
Easter Egg Hunt
April:Bible Presentation to
Fourth Graders
May/June:Confirmation Sunday
Releasing of Doves
June:Children’s Choir Musical
Teacher Appreciation Day
Church Picnic
Summer:Night of Wonder Campfire
Cherub Nursery

Childcare is available year-round - for infants through three-year-olds - every Sunday morning in the Cherub Nursery.