The Reverend Patrick Faulhaber
Senior Minister
Called to Central in January 2024, Patrick Faulhaber is the church’s eleventh Senior Minister since 1852. In the short time he has been with us, it has become clear that Patrick not only possesses deep empathy and compassion for others, but also is an excellent listener who connects with people. His weekly sermons are insightful, inspiring, and entertaining – always honing in on issues directly related to living in the 21st century.
Patrick’s move to Rhode Island is actually a return. He was born in Barrington, where his family attended Barrington Congregational Church – moving away when Patrick was ten. He and his wife Susannah Bales currently reside in Providence.
Before joining Central, Patrick served as senior pastor at North Decatur United Methodist Church in Georgia, where he led a restructuring initiative that resulted in significant increases in worship participation, youth and children’s ministries, small-group involvement, as well as pledging and giving. In addition, he served on a number of religious and community boards. Prior to that, Patrick was Associate Pastor at Decatur First United Methodist Church and Youth Minister at Loganville First United Methodist Church – all in Georgia.
Patrick received his Bachelor of Arts in Religion at Pfeiffer University in Misenheimer, N.C., and his Master of Divinity in Religious and Nonprofit Leadership from Emory University in Atlanta. Patrick will pursue dual standing from the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, and his ordination will be recognized by the UCC.
Contact Patrick at 401-331-1960 x 111 or patrick@centralchurch.us

The Reverend Dr. Claudia Demick
Associate Minister of Program and Family Life
Claudia Demick came to the ministry after a 28-year career in teaching. Her talent and passion for gathering people together for worship, study, and fellowship are evident in her work here at Central. Claudia joined us in 2006 as “acting minister” - and stayed on to revolutionize and grow our small group ministry. Over the years, she has initiated thriving adult education programs - from Adult Sunday School and Bible studies to seminars and retreats - as well as community-building events like our Christmas at Central fundraiser. She has reimagined Vacation Bible School for 21st century families and helped maintain Central’s visibility throughout New England - working with law enforcement, community leaders, other congregations, and the Rhode Island Conference United Church of Christ Board of Directors, where she chairs the Church and Ministry committee.
Claudia holds a bachelor’s degree in music education and English from Westfield State College and a Master of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School. She earned a Doctor of Ministry from Hartford Seminary in 2011. Her thesis was on Muslim and Christian relationships. Prior to joining Central, she served as Minister of Music at Seekonk Congregational Church for more than 20 years. Claudia and her husband live in Barrington, R.I.; they have two sons and two grandsons.
Contact Claudia at 401-331-1960 x 222 or claudia@centralchurch.us
The Reverend Rebecca L. Spencer
Minister Emerita
Rebecca Spencer championed “radical inclusion” before the term existed. Called to Central in 1988 as the tenth - and first female - senior minister, she set out to nurture and strengthen a church where all are equal in God's eyes. Rebecca established our open and affirming policy 15 years before the UCC created an official designation, performing one of the first civil unions in R.I. A dynamic preacher whose Sunday sermons move and inspire, Rebecca has created a church of unconditional love and acceptance. Especially during divisive times, Central is a safe place to belong, to be useful, and to reach out to others as we come together in faith.
Rebecca expanded Central’s mission and action, forming partnerships with Camp Street Ministries, Amos House, and others. Under her leadership, we have sponsored refugee families and sent mission workers and aid to Haiti, New Orleans, and other areas in need.
Rebecca is a graduate of Wellesley College and received her Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School. She serves on the Champlin Foundation Distribution Committee, Wheeler School Board of Trustees, and Women & Infants Hospital’s Bioethics Committee.
She has two sons, Thomas and Ezra Rice. She was married to the late Charles B. Rice, whom she first met at a soup kitchen. In her spare time, Rebecca raises cattle at the family farm in Little Compton.
Contact Rebecca at rlspencer@centralchurch.us
Weekly Podcast
Our weekly podcast features inspiring sermons and other inspirational portions of our worship service.