Guidelines for In-Person Worship

Updated January 26, 2022

Central’s Regathering Task Force Policies:

  • Masks will be required for all events in the Sanctuary.  Double-masking or N95 masking is advised.  Central will continue to provide masks for those who need them.
  • Social distancing while masked will continue:  six feet inside, three feet outside.  Ribbons will block off every other pew in the East Transept, Wilson Chapel, and outer aisles of the Sanctuary for those who prefer greater separation.  Center aisles will be ribbon-free.
  • Worshippers may sing and pray aloud while masked.
  • Choir members will be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination. They will wear “resonance masks” while rehearsing and performing.  During worship, the choir will sit in Wilson Chapel, since the choir loft does not permit socially distancing.
  • After-worship Coffee Hour is taking place in Chapel Hall, while practicing social distancing.