In compliance with Governor Raimondo’s most recent recommendations, Central will be holding virtual only worship services throughout the month of November. Do join us on YouTube or via the Central Church website on Sundays at 10:30 am.
Fall Church Clean Up
All are welcome to help get Central cleaned up and ready for winter on Saturday, November 21 at 9:00 am to noon.
Thanksgiving Festival Worship
Come and share in a Thanksgiving Tradition at Central but from the comfort of home this year. We will still share and praise God together virtually on Sunday, November 22 at 10:30 am.
Neighbors In Need
This special mission offering of the United Church of Christ supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. If you’d like to make a contribution, please direct your checks to Central’s office or give electronically via
Keep the faith, but don’t just keep it – share it near and far!