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From the sublime (the power of compassion) to the well not exactly ridiculous, but to something far more mundane (the dog park).
In his book of prose poems called Tears of Silence, Jean Vanier writes,
I fear
the mysterious power of compassion
compassion requires that I have found myself
and no longer
play the game
of putting on a mask, a personage
pretending to be
Compassion requires
That I become myself
accepting my poverty
letting the Spirit breathe
in me
opening my being
without fear
to the delicate touch
of God’s hand
accepting that I am loved
as I am
with my fears and frailties
with my intelligence and competencies
with my heart and with my hopes
free to be myself
I thought of that poem as I reflected on the new puppy we rescued. She is terrified of other dogs. I do not know what happened to her before she came to us. But she is simply petrified. We go to the park; the other dogs frolic and gambol about. She doesn’t even want to leave the car. I cajole her out. She watches, takes a tentative step, comes back to me, warily watching, wanting what they seem to have – freedom, to run, to jump. She is unsure of herself, trapped in her fears. But we keep on going to the park, and there is usually a friendly one who will come over with a delicate touch of the nose and then dart back away to companions who are more fun, as if to say, “It’s okay. You’re okay. You are free to be yourself.”
As Lent approaches may each of us, two legged as well as four legged, find ourselves, with our fears and frailties, our intelligence and our competencies, our heart and our hopes. May we be free to be ourselves, letting the mysterious power of compassion wash over us and all those we meet. May the Holy Spirit breathe, move, live, love in each one of us. May we accept that we are loved and free to be ourselves in this, God’s world.
Yours, with much love and compassion,
Stewardship Moment from Jeff Baran
Friends, Romans, Central Church Members… Lend me your ears.
Dedication Sunday was February 17. Thanks to all of you who thoughtfully considered what you could give to Central this year and brought in your pledge.
If you have not yet returned your pledge envelope for the 2019–2020 fiscal year that begins May 1, please do so at your earliest convenience or go online to the Central Church webpage and make your pledge online. Each and every pledge dollar matters and is greatly appreciated.
Those members who have yet to return their pledge by March 10 can expect a visit from Central’s Pony Express, where you will learn more about the pledge and budget process.
Thank you for your continued stewardship for Central!
Fun & Fellowship
On March 13, at 5:00 p.m., join other Centralites and members of Olney Street Baptist Church in our Chapel Hall for a potluck supper and hymn sing this Lent.
Bring an appetizer, main dish, salad, or dessert to share, and think of hymns you would like to sing – new ones, old ones, comforting ones, challenging ones.
We will offer up suggestions as well as learn new pieces from OSBC members.
Maestro Patrick Aiken will lead us in a rousing hymn sing as we share in fellowship. Our last hymn sing was such fun, no one wanted to go home!
This, as well as our sitting down to share supper, is a wonderful way to deepen our relationship with the people of OSBC, such an important initiative in this day.
Do mark Wednesday, March 13, at 5:00 p.m. in Chapel Hall on your calendar. Young and old, families and individuals, all are welcome to start this first full week of Lent in music, dinner, and friendship. Guaranteed, you will be glad you were here!
Winter Game Night
The Religious Education Committee is holding its winter/spring Game Night!
Saturday, March 16, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Bring your favorite game to share! Pizza, snacks, dessert, and beverages will be provided. Suggested donation is $5 per individual and $10 per family.
New Members This Winter
Bart & Elise Koopman
Bart & Elise join us as associate members. They came to America in 2018 from the Netherlands for a nine-month stay. Bart is a doctor doing research on kidney disease at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. Elise is a child psychologist researching children’s sleep and development. They are located nearby and have joined us in part because of the warmth of our members and of Rebecca. They are interested in the possibility of volunteering and participating in community work. Elise is interested in the possibility of joining the choir. Welkom, Koopmans!
Kimberly MacPhail
Kimberly came to Rhode Island a year ago from New Hampshire. She loves outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, climbing, and kayaking. She loves to read. Kimberly has been looking for a congregational church in the area since moving here. She is interested in serving on a committee, but isn’t sure yet about in what area. Her sister lives in Worcester and sometimes joins her on Sundays. Welcome, Kimberly!
Elizabeth & Joel Pinsker
Betsy and Joel come to us from Brooklyn, New York. Betsy grew up in Rhode Island and returned in 2018. Betsy loves to bake, but she doesn’t have much time due to raising two beautiful children, Eleanor, 6, and Adam, 4. Joel enjoys power-lifting. Betsy grew up at Central and wants her family to have the experience as well. They are interested in mission work and community outreach. Betsy joins us as a full member, and Joel as an associate. Welcome, Pinskers all.
Becoming the Caregiver
The Religious Education Committee will hold a discussion panel on Sunday, March 10: Becoming the Caregiver.
Please join us for discussion around this challenging topic of caregiving for aging parents, spouses, friends, relatives of children. The Panel will be held in the Fireplace Room immediately after worship.
New Members
Know someone interested in Central as a church home?
Inquirers’ Meeting*
Wednesday, April 24
Faith Exploration*
Tuesday, April 30
New Member Sunday
May 5
*These meetings are held at the home of the Rev. Rebecca Spencer, 15 Taber Avenue at 7:00 p.m.
For more information call Central Church at 331-1960 or fill out a pew card to request a call from the Minister.
By May Grant
Greeting Our 21st Century In-Laws
Last month, Deacon Bob Kaloostian shared his joyous close-knit childhood. This month, please join two families across the country to celebrate our differences instead.
Our youngest son Justin was baptized at Central Church. Recently in California, he and his bride Rachel celebrated their first wedding anniversary. On her side, Rachel was raised on an Indian Reservation in Nevada. By contrast, Justin is descended from Civil War veterans who were rewarded with government homesteads, taken from former Great Plains “Indian country.”
Last month, Justin’s father and I traveled to the Southwest to visit my sister and family. On our return to the East Coast, we stopped in Nevada to meet Rachel’s parents and family for the first time.
For us, any possible apprehensions were quickly put to rest. In an excellent Italian restaurant, we joined hands with two well-educated, well-traveled souls who had met in a Bible School seminary. Both had spent decades ministering to adults and children in their tribe. Like St. Paul, who made his living as a tent-maker while spreading the gospel, they also relied on secular careers to feed a growing family.
Surrounded by both families, we found common environmental and religious education concerns. On the other hand, we exchanged small gifts but realized that our economic views differed – just as in many families!
Looking back on that memorable dinner, it seems that our UCC denomination’s special Neighbors in Need fund aids their family’s type of leadership among Native American nations.
In your own family’s prayers, we hope you will include our Romeo & Juliet. They might lack the advantages of wealth or common background but love and family help to keep the balance. Then too, add a prayer of thanksgiving for Senior Minister Rebecca Spencer, who has offered so much guidance and good counsel.
Shrove Tuesday at Central
Celebrate Shrove Tuesday at Central with a Delectable, Decadent Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, March 5, at 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Central continues its tradition of a ‘choose your adventure’ pancake buffet! Read on for more details about this ‘fun-raiser’ for the summer’s mission trip to Appalachia. Tickets: $5 Individuals, $15 Families
March 6, 7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday begins the Season of Lent with the imposition of ashes. During the ancient ceremony, the ashes were placed on the foreheads of the faithful with these words from Genesis: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
There is evidence that this moving service originated in Gaul in the sixth century and was at first “confined to public penitents doing penance for grave and notorious sin, whom the clergy tried to comfort and encourage by submitting themselves to the same public humiliation.”
Lenten Meditation Services & Mission Suppers
All are invited to join us in weekly, half-hour Lenten Meditation services. Led by one of your fellow Centralites, these meditations offer the opportunity mid-week to pause and ponder your faith journey. The leader will share his/her own exploration in faith, offering us the chance to come to know another individual’s reflections. Do plan to join us.
Lenten Meditation Services 5:30–6:00 p.m. in Wilson Chapel
March 20, Carol Barton
March 27, Bart Koopman
April 3, Frances Munro
April 10, Jack Patterson
Wednesday Meditation services are followed by a soup and bread dinner in the Fireplace Room, offered by the Mission and Action committee. A speaker each week presents perspectives on one of our partner agencies in mission.
Lenten Mission Suppers 6:00–7:00 p.m. in the Fireplace Room
March 20, Compassionate Friends
March 27, Attorney General’s Office – ID Theft & Consumer Fraud
April 3, To Be Announced
April 10, TBA
Most likely many of us have heard about the studies that show changes in the brain while people are praying or meditating. It doesn’t seem to matter who is doing the activity or whom they are praying to or meditating on. When those studies were reported on a number of years ago, many of us felt that they simply were physical proof for something we had known all along: People need contact with the divine, and when we spend time that way, we experience it deep within our souls as well as our bodies.
Last month I read about another study of families who are at high risk for severe depression. Three generations were studied, and the preliminary results using MRIs over a five-year span indicate that those with a high familial risk who say that their religious or spiritual beliefs are very important to them show scans that are the same as those with a low risk of depression. Of course, the article warns us not to read too much into this because more research needs to be done.
I’ve been thinking about this. I meet quite a few people who feel that faith, spirituality, or religion doesn’t offer us much in the times in which we live. However, I think that these scientific studies point out the importance of such encounters with God in our lives – however God is named.
I think there is a reason our earliest ancestors began to worship something or someone greater than themselves. And, that reason just may be that we are hard-wired somewhere down deep on our most basic molecular level to want to connect with God.
The Psalmist writes, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14a). Indeed we are – every single one of us. And, I don’t know about you, but I don’t need an MRI to verify that. But, isn’t it nice to ponder the mystery of our very selves pointing to a Creator – pointing to our Creator? That is definitely something to praise!
Yours in faith,
The Poetry of Lent:
A Lenten Companion to Mary Oliver’s Devotions
March 10, 17, & 31 and April 7 & 14
NO MEETING on March 24
11:45–12:30 p.m. in the Deacons’ Room
Join the Lenten study group as we walk through Lent “with Mary Oliver at your side, illuminating ancient passages of scripture; provoking bite-sized meditations on key Lenten themes; and pointing toward everyday practices for individuals, families, and congregations.”
Please see Claudia for your free copy of the devotional for this wonderful Lenten study.
Spiritual Companionship Group
First Thursdays from 6:00–7:00 p.m.
March 7 in the Deacons’ Room
Where is God in our lives? Spiritual companionship is a very ancient tradition. It is a way to offer ourselves a holy spaciousness by listening for God in our lives.
We encounter our own inner wisdom as we seek where God is found in our daily living. Through the companionship of others, participants often find new possibilities in their spiritual life and practices.
Please RSVP to Claudia.
CCC Adult Sunday School
The Crusades: Crescent & the Cross
March 10, 17 & 31 (NO CLASS on March 3 & 24)
Fireplace Room, 9:00–10:00 a.m.
Explore the conflicts of the superpowers of the Middle Ages. For over two centuries the fate of the Holy Land hung in the balance as kings, popes, caliphs, sultans, and others fought for control of that part of the world – all in the name of God.
Join us as we contemplate what these battles meant not only in that time, but also in our own time.
Questions? Ask Claudia.
Sunday, March 10
11:45 a.m. Chapel Hall
You are welcome whether you knit, aspire to knit, or just want to experience fellowship and participate in the blessing of the prayer shawls that are lovingly made for others! As an added bonus, if you’ve always wanted to learn how to knit, we’ll teach you!
Questions? Call Janice Libby or Claudia.
Thursday, March 14
7:00–8:30 p.m. Fireplace Room
Join us for a lively discussion of this month’s book – Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate.
Looking ahead:
April 11—The Ninth Hour by Alice McDermott
May 9—Educated by Tara Westover
A Quiet Morning
Spring’s mini-retreat on the Psalms
Hamilton House
April 6 from 8:30–11:30 a.m. (breakfast included)
Take some time for yourself with friends from Central at the end of your week. We will enjoy breakfast together, conversation, quiet time, and more as we explore some of the Psalms. Please RSVP to Claudia.
Central Welcomes A Guest Preacher on March 3
The Rev. Marilyn Kendrix, Rhode Island’s Transitional Conference Minister, will be our guest preacher on March 3. This marks her first visit to Central.
A 2013 graduate of Yale Divinity, Kendrix earned that school’s Henry Hallam Tweedy Prize for exceptional promise in pastoral leadership, the highest prize conferred on a graduating student each year.
That distinction came in part for her efforts in raising awareness about mass incarceration in the United States. She has since gone on to co-author The Justice Imperative: How Hyper Incarceration Hijacked the American Dream. The book focuses on the problem of mass incarceration in Connecticut and provides 30 recommendations for bringing it to an end.
Previous to stepping into her role at RICUCC last July, Kendrix served as the Interim Pastor at the Congregational Church of Naugatuck in Connecticut, as well as volunteered on the Together As One Planning Team.
Before being ordained, Kendrix worked in the corporate world, in particular for 15 years as an organizational development consultant for AT&T. The RICUCC search committee determined that experience dovetailed perfectly with the transitioning needs the Conference has been facing.
Kendrix sought to also have a position that allowed her to preach regularly at Rhode Island churches. “I would not want this job if it didn’t include preaching in churches,” she said in a previous interview for the RI Conference.
Also, one day a month, she still preaches and teaches in Connecticut churches, synagogues, and mosques, focusing on mass incarceration.
Kendrix is the first person of color to serve as Rhode Island Conference Minister. In a previous interview, Kendrix reported, “In my life I have often been the first person of color in various positions. This is not a new experience for me … But it is an important milestone as we live into being a more diverse, multicultural church. I know that when I was a child, I never imagined that a woman could be the pastor of a church.” She hopes her role here will “provide evidence to girls growing up in our churches that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.”
Kendrix earned her Executive MBA and her MA in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of New Haven. She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and a certificate from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.
She is married to her best friend, Alan; they have three children, six grandchildren, and one dog.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, March 5, at 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of the penitential season of Lent. The tradition of a pancake supper connects us to the customs of a time when flour, eggs, butter, milk, and other rich foods were eaten before beginning the ritual fasting and self-restraint that was observed during Lent.
We are continuing this tradition at Central on Tuesday, March 5, with a decadent pancake supper of our own. Please join us as the youth and young adults of Central offer you ‘breakfast for dinner’ – featuring a ‘choose your adventure’ pancake buffet!
Proceeds of the event will benefit the WORD Fellowship mission trip to Appalachia. All are invited to this ‘fun-raiser’ family event for ALL ages!! We will share a pancake supper and hold the ever-popular Pancake Relay Races … bring your racing shoes!
Tickets: $5 Individuals, $15 Families
Youth Mental Health Awareness Event
Central will be hosting a youth gathering focusing on mental health awareness at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 24. Leaders from Rhode Island will facilitate conversations around mental health, stress-reducing strategies, and resources in our communities.
The event will feature a speaker, a mindfulness workshop, snacks, and games. Join with youth from around the state to learn about these very important issues.
Summer Youth Mission Trip
We are excited to announce that our 2019 Youth Summer Mission Trip will travel to Appalachia from July 20 to July 27 through Praying Pelicans Missions!
The Appalachia region is an amazing place with a rich heritage and beautiful landscapes. The people are hardworking, hospitable, and family-oriented. The area suffers from economic hardships and shortage of employment.
We will travel to Appalachia via 12-passenger vans and spend over 25 hours participating in ministry and mission, sleeping in a local church or community center. All meals are provided and will include a local restaurant experience.
The trip will conclude with a recreation or local culture experience such as kayaking, river rafting, or taking a historical tour.
Visit for more information. Email Aidan at for more info and to sign up.
The Rebecca Spencer Lecture Series on Stories of Faith
March 30 Marks the Inaugural Event of Central’s new annual lecture series
Founded and endowed by Lorne Adrain to commemorate Rebecca’s 30th year as Central’s Senior Minister, this series seeks to connect Rhode Islanders through sharing their life stories and experiences.
Our first speaker is Jessi Hempel, who is a senior editor at large at LinkedIn, as well as host of the podcast Hello, Monday. For the past 16 years, she has been writing and editing features and cover stories about the most important people and companies in technology. She has served as the head of editorial for Backchannel and as a senior writer for both Wired and Fortune. Before that, Hempel wrote for BusinessWeek and TIME Asia. She has appeared on CNN, PBS, MSNBC, Fox, and CNBC, addressing the culture and business of technology. In addition to her English degree from Brown University, she earned a Masters in Journalism from University of California, Berkeley. She lives in New York City.
On March 30, all are invited to Chapel Hall for an informal reception at 5 p.m. and then to listen to Jessi at 6 p.m.
The idea for these shared stories is to simply gather Rhode Islanders to connect around someone who is willing to reflect on their life and offer perspectives on love, laughter, faith, value, and meaning!
Jessi will share her thoughts and experiences, which will in turn offer an opportunity for others to listen and learn and reflect themselves. This will help all of us ponder our own lives and faith commitments and pull us together in community.
From the Gallery Committee:
This March, we are pleased to exhibit the lovely monotypes and pastels of local artist Regina Partridge.
Please join us to welcome Regina and to view her creations at a reception on Friday, March 8, from 5–7 p.m. We look forward to seeing you then!
CCC Women’s Retreat
It’s time to start thinking about our yearly time away for relaxation and renewal!!
Our annual retreat will take place March 22 through 24, 2019, at the spectacular Episcopal Conference Center in nearby Pascoag, RI, which is about 30 minutes from Providence and only a few minutes away from the village of Chepachet.
The property encompasses 180 wooded acres of hiking trails bordering on Echo Lake. The original farmhouse from the 1700s has a large addition with bedrooms, meeting spaces, a dining room, etc. And, the caretakers raise llamas on part of the property!
Imagine! No cooking, planning, appointments, or deadlines for an entire weekend! Just come and find nourishment for your body, mind, and soul.
The cost is $175 for five meals, your lodging, and all materials. Payment is due March 1, 2019.
Please reserve your spot with Claudia.
A Special Invitation to All High School Singers
We invite high school singers (grades 9–12) who would like to sing with the Adult Choir on Sunday, March 31, for Sunday Worship.
We will rehearse after church on the Sundays of March 17 and 24 and on Thursday evening, March 28, 7:30–8:00 p.m., then before worship at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, March 31.
All singers in high school are welcome!
Church School News
“A blessing is the natural expression of the fiery love and inclusiveness of our inner spirit. It is the manifestation of a soul-fire, and each of us can be its hearth. Each of us, you and I, can be points of reconnection, points of remembrance, points of love. We can be blessings.” (David Spangler, Blessing: The Art and Practice)
The Peacemaker class (4th/5th grades) has been busy working on a skit they’ll perform for Church School next week, on Luke 21:1–4: the story of the poor widow who gave all she had. Their teacher, the Amy Frazer, speaks glowingly about the kids in her class and how their creativity shines as they work together on this.
The Dream-maker class (6th–8th grades) made 30 valentine cards bearing the Chinese character ‘Love’ to send to many members of our congregation. Aidan & Cathy are grateful to their co-teacher Amy Punchak for her organizational & artistic skills.
The Stargazer/Disciple class (2nd/3rd grades) is always thoroughly engaged in whatever their teacher, Maureen Lapre, has in store for them. The ‘altar’ table in their classroom is a testimony to the vibrancy of the Spirit amidst them!
The Shepherd/Prophet class (pre-school–1st grade) warmly welcomes in the youngest, newest, shyest, & most energetic members & visitors to Church School. Teacher Jaime Lavoie immediately makes them feel comfortable.
The Cherub Childcare (infants, waddlers, toddlers) are seeing an uptick in their class this year. Kathleen O’Hara and Coco Maranjian provide a safe, loving space and gentle care to each child and parent who enters the room.
What a blessing each child, parent, teacher is! What “points of love” we can be! As we begin our journey through Lent, let’s help one another experience and manifest the “soul-fire” that dwells in each of us!
Love & gratitude,
Cathy C-T (Director of Religious Education)
Join us in Growing Central for Tomorrow!
We worship faithfully. We serve humbly. We give gratefully and generously. We, at Central, give our time, talent, and treasure throughout the Church year.
To set up a regular electronic pledge or to make a one-time online offering, please visit Central Church’s website and click on “Give” or go directly to
You can also download the mobile app through your phone. Search your app store for “”
Once you set up your account, you can also make your gifts via text message by texting “Give” and an amount to 401-239-1867.
Thank you for supporting Central!
Friday Film Fare: Billy Elliot
March 15, 7:00 p.m.
Eleven-year-old Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell) lives in a dismal mining town during the 1984 British coal miners’ strike. Sent by his father to the gym for boxing class, he discovers a ballet class (hitherto all girls) and his hidden talent. Hidden, indeed, since what would Dad say about a boy who dances that ballet stuff like a poof?
Julie Walters shines as Billy’s dance instructor who recognizes a once-in-a-lifetime talent, and young Jamie just burns the screen with his gotta dance! brilliance. Try to stay still during those dance routines of his. Infectious is the word.
[110 minutes; color; Rated R]
March 2019 Calendar
Saturday 2
5:00 p.m. Progressive Dinner, starting at Chapel Hall
Sunday 3
9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m. Worship (with guest preacher Marilyn Kendrix)
Tuesday 5
6:00 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Wednesday 6
7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday 7
6:00 p.m. Spiritual Companionship Group
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir
Friday 8
5:00 p.m. Artist Opening Reception in Central’s Gallery
Sunday 10
9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School: The Crusades: Crescent & the Cross
9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m. Worship with Communion
11:30 a.m. Religious Ed Panel Conversation: Becoming the Caregiver
11:45 a.m. Angellic Knitters
11:45 a.m. Lenten Study
Wednesday 13
5:00 p.m. Potluck Supper and Hymn Sing with Olney Street Baptist Church (at Central)
Thursday 14
7:00 p.m. Food for Thought: Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir
Friday 15
7:30 p.m. Friday Film Fare: Billy Elliot
Saturday 16
5:00 p.m. Game Night
Sunday 17
9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School – The Crusades: Crescent & the Cross
9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Lenten Study
Wednesday 20
9:00 a.m. Central Newsletter Articles Deadline
5:30 p.m. Lenten Meditation and Mission Supper
Thursday 21
7:30 a.m. CCC Men’s Group
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir
Friday 22
CCC Women’s Retreat (through March 24)
Sunday 24
9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m. Worship
12:30 p.m. Mental Health Awareness Youth Event
Wednesday 27
9:00 a.m. Central Newsletter Articles Deadline
5:30 p.m. Lenten Meditation and Mission Supper
Thursday 28
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir
Saturday 30
9:30 a.m. Camp Street Ministries Food Distribution (194 Camp Street, Providence)
5:00 p.m. Reception for the first installment of Central’s Series Stories of Faith, with Jessi Hempel offering her Story of Faith at 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 31
9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School: The Crusades: Crescent & the Cross
9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m. Worship
11:45 a.m. Lenten Study
Staff Meetings Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Children’s Choir Every Monday at 5:00 p.m. except March 4
April 3 & 10, Lenten Meditation, 5:30 p.m. & Mission Supper, 6:00 p.m.
April 6, A Quiet Morning, 8:30 a.m. (Hamilton House)
April 6, High School Art Show, 1:00 p.m.
April 14, Palm Sunday, 10:10 a.m. for processional
April 21, Easter Sunday
March Committee Meetings
Sunday 3
9:00 a.m. – Stewardship
Monday 4
7:00 p.m. – Tech
Wednesday 6
9:30 a.m. – Gallery
Thursday 7
5:30 p.m. – Nominating
7:00 p.m. – Religious Ed
Sunday 10
9:00 a.m. – Angell Society
11:30 a.m. – Membership
Tuesday 12
5:30 p.m. – Deacons
Tuesday 19
5:45 p.m. – Plant & Properties
7:00 p.m. – Prudential
Thursday 21
5:30 p.m. – Nominating
Wednesday 27
9:30 a.m. – Gallery
4:00 p.m. – Trustees