Media Inquiries

Central Congregational Church, a member of the United Church of Christ, was established in 1852.  An Open and Affirming Global Mission Church, Central is open to all regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental facility, economic circumstance, or physical condition. We strive to be a community of God's people in a way that calls each of us to active discipleship through worship, caring, sharing, and outreach.

Media Materials

Fact Sheet [PDF]

Bio:  The Reverend Patrick Faulhaber, senior minister [MS Word Document]

Central Newsletters

Email Updates


Central Logo [JPEG]  [TIFF]

Headshot: The Reverend Patrick Faulhaber

Headshot:  Patrick Aiken, organist/choirmaster

Central Congregational Church Choir

Church Chancel

Church Exterior

Historical Photos

  • Thanksgiving 1897 - Chancel
  • Easter 1902 - Chancel
  • Easter 1902 - Pulpit
  • Easter 1906 - Exterior
  • Central 1958 - Exterior

When using Central Congregational Church-produced images or videos, please use the credit line:  "Courtesy of Central Congregational Church, Providence, R.I.



Media Contact

Contact the Church Office

Central Congregational Church
296 Angell Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02906