Ode to Johann Sebastian
By Kathy Hart
A German composer named Bach
Wore powdered wig with his frock.
His music prolific
Was really terrific.
To hear him musicians did flock.
His children were more than a few –
(21 if you count PDQ).
He lived a long life
With more than one wife,
And sired a musical zoo!
He held some well-known positions,
But composed under adverse conditions.
His music for organ
Was really a bargain –
He gave it away to musicians.
Dear Bach, we’d just like to say
Your music will live on a l w a y.
Thanks for the music for lute
And keyboard and flute.
Have a very happy birthday!
Kathy Hart is the Director of Music at Greenwood Community Church, Presbyterian in Warwick, RI, where she is organist and directs the Chancel Choir, a teen/adult handbell group, and an elementary singing/ringing choir. She writes/arranges sacred music and is a soprano in The Providence Singers. Kathy has been a member of Central’s Caring/Sharing Group for several years.