Put on your geography hats!

We are in little Ferry, NJ, a small, tight knit community on the Hackensack River in northern New Jersey.  Modest homes are tightly clustered behind the “berm” ( we would call it a levee).

Sandy pushed high tide up into the river, and overtopped the berm by about 9 feet.  Yes, 9 feet.  About 80% of the whole town was flooded.  Imagine what that would look like in your area–all basements, cars, first floors…  everything soaked with icky water.  And remember, it was october/November when this happened, so COLD…


Take a look online by searching Little Ferry Sandy Damage and you’ll start to get a picture.

We are in an area that was likely flooded, staying in a home that has been rehabbed into “bunk rooms”.  Got here around supper time last night and were able to find a fabulous restaurant that had the Patriots game on the TV’s!  So this morning, we are headed out to the First Presbyterian Church in Little Ferry to see what we’ll be doing.  Stay tuned.

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