Stewardship Moment

with Ed Bishop 

In case you don’t know me, I am Ed Bishop and a longtime member of Central Congregational Church.  I was introduced to Central by my then wife-to-be, Betsy Jeffers, whose family had been longtime members and supporters.  We were both students at Brown University.  After we married –  at Central – and had six children, we became even more active. The children participated in the vibrant youth ministry, children’s choir, Boy Scouts, and mission trips.  As head of the Church School, I wrote mini-sermons every Sunday.  Betsy and I joined the Young Couples’ Group and sat on various committees.  As the children grew and moved away, and Betsy died, I became less active.

Over the ensuing years, I remarried at Central and became significantly active again, serving on committees, as a Deacon, and now as chair of the Plant & Properties Committee.

Historically, the congregational church has been significant in my life, starting as a child.  As a faithful member, I feel it is my duty and responsibility to help keep this congregation and community vibrant – and to perpetuate its mission by serving and contributing of my time, talents, and treasure. – Ed Bishop

Posted in Whats New.