with Caroline Hunter
My husband Jeff Reitzel and I have been members of Central Congregational Church since the spring of 2018, when our now newly turned four-year-old was just a few weeks old. We had started visiting the church the preceding late fall and winter, when we came on a Sunday with a wonderful special music service and a few weeks later saw the kids’ Christmas pageant. That was when we knew this was the place for us.
In preparation for this Stewardship Moment, I looked up the definition of steward and chuckled at the various definitions that involve managing property, directing servants, taking food orders, or being a flight attendant. I imagined myself in an ill-fitting suit with a pillbox hat slightly cocked to the side. But what I want to talk about is the definition of stewardship: the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.
So I ask you: What is it about this place – about this community – that is worth caring for, protecting, and preserving? You got up and came to church this morning. Why is that? Even if you’re not physically here, you made a promise when you joined this church, and you did that for some reason. Why?
I can think of some moments and reasons we feel this way. It’s hearing our girls say they can’t wait to go to church, which may be just for snacks; but hey, you have to start somewhere! It’s teaching the older kids’ Sunday school and hearing their interesting ideas. This has given me a chance to break out my third-grade Bible and read to them from it, coming full circle. It’s hearing Jeff tinker with his choir pieces at home during the week and then listening to the final product on Sunday, which always surprises me … in a good way! It’s learning about some interesting books of the Old Testament during the summer Bible study with Claudia, which gives me a chance to have some “Mommy time,” as well as some spiritual nourishment. It’s hoping that my girls will sit as still as angels in the Christmas pageant. It’s the memorable sermons. I recall one of Rebecca’s about anger and dealing with it by “putting it in your pocket.” She gave an example of stepping on a Lego with bare feet, something we can relate to in my house. It’s wondering who will buy Jeff’s cake at the Christmas at Central bake sale, while waiting to see if we’ll get the Santa basket we bid on in the silent auction. It’s the friendships we’ve made – both in and outside of church – people we know will be there for us no matter what.
It’s for these reasons and more that we give to Central. So rather than ask the UPS question – “What can Brown do for you?” – maybe it’s “What does slightly off-white taupe with stained glass windows do for you?” Or, if you’re new to the church or a bit out of the routine, “What can Central do for you?” I bet if you search your hearts and souls, you will find some reasons, and you won’t be able to help but pledge to protect something worth caring for and preserving.