Welcome to our virtual worship! May God’s peace be with you. We’re glad you are joining us and hope you will find hope, comfort, and the love of God here. We are socially distanced but spiritually connected!
We present this video and all services at Central through the generous pledges and contributions of our members and friends. To make a one-time online offering or set up a regular electronic pledge, visit Central’s website and click on “Give,” or go directly to www.centralchurch.us/give.
The offertory, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” by Richard Walters is copyright 1993 by Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, and presented here under One License #A-730506. Participants in the Service: The Rev. Dr. Claudia P. Demick, Associate Minister Tracy Baran, Scripture Reader Kara Lund, Soprano Patrick Aiken, Choirmaster and Organist