Pledging versus Giving

Annual pledges are the financial foundation of our church, our single most important source of funding.  Your pledge enables us to create a viable budget - something random giving simply cannot.  The budget determines our year’s activities and what we can accomplish as a church.  Currently, more than half of our annual operating budget must come from annual pledges.

If you consider Central your church home - whether or not you are a member - we hope you will express your support by pledging.  So our worship, mission, and ministries may continue and grow.

How Much Should I Pledge?

There’s no “right amount” to pledge.  At Central, we value every gift regardless of size.

You may be thinking that tithing, the practice of sharing ten percent of your income, is the standard of Christian giving.  That certainly would be wonderful, but some of us need to start with a more modest percentage.  The amount of your pledge is a personal decision that will reflect your life situation.  We ask you to prayerfully reflect on the gifts God has entrusted to your care and give thanks for those gifts by giving back to the church.

How Do I Pledge?

You can submit your pledge electronically by using our secure online form or by filling out a paper pledge card.

If you are a Central member, you will receive your pledge card in the mail in early February.  You can also pick up a pledge card in the church office.  Then, simply mail it or drop it off at the church office - or bring it to Stewardship Sunday in March.

The pledge card - whether print or virtual - asks for the amount of your pledge, the frequency and size of each installment, and how you plan to fulfill your commitment:

Pledge Envelopes are provided to those who request them. Simply place them in the offering plate on Sunday mornings or mail to Central Congregational Church, 296 Angell Street, Providence, RI 02906, Attn:  Church Administrator.

Online Banking is a great way to set up your payments for the year, conserving both time and paper.

Electronic Giving via or Text to Give lets you schedule and manage your pledge from your computer or cell phone. [link to the Giving - E-Giving page]

Automatic Bank Payments: Contact our Church Administrator at 401-331-1960 to set up automatic withdrawals from your bank.

Submit Your Pledge Securely Online

    $10 Per Week - $520 Annually$25 Per Week - $1,300 Annually$50 Per Week - $2,600 Annually$75 Per Week - $3,900 Annually$100 Per Week - $5,200 AnnuallySecurities (please contact church office)Other

    **Amount may be increased or decreased should circumstances change.


    Pledge EnvelopesAutomatic Bank PaymentsElectronic Giving

    Please contact me about the Angell Society, planned giving, and/or including Central in my will or as a designated beneficiary.