Love’s Completion – May Grant

Love’s Completion

by May Grant

He was short.
Two boys looked up from their game.
“Graybeard” floated up as he passed by.

But that long-ago day hovered just above his gaze.
He was no hero – just looking for a way out.
But there it was in front of him,
the break in every battle.

Homecoming:  There she was, smaller than he remembered,
dainty beside his new limp.
“An angel told me,” she tried to explain.
Her small hands fluttered.
“The light was so bright.”

So he took her home.
Light rays expanded to shelter a new being.
He was no doting dad – just looking for warmth himself.
But there they were in front of him,
two shining eyes.

What hovers just above his view this day?
No firm goal, no finished feat.
He nods,  glazed eyes down.

©2013 May Cornelia Grant

May Cornelia Grant

May Cornelia Grant

May Cornelia Grant has been writing all her life, non-professionally. Her articles have appeared in numerous small magazines and newspapers.

Posted in Poems about Love, Poet Laureate.