Lugano – Ilse Kramer


By Ilse Kramer

Two bags – I always travel light
The train man blows his whistle
All aboard
I feebly wave good-bye

And through the window
(Don’t lean out)
I see the bottom of the sky
And here and there a herd of heavy cows

Look in the distance
Mountain ranges
And darkish lakes
And after that

More mountains
And more lakes
Where will it end
When will the beauty be too much for me

I eat a peach
And drops of juice
Keep falling in my lap
Sweet tears

I am so tired but I wonder
Will we keep moving
When I am

Where is my ticket
What if
They throw me
Off the train

This after all
Is not a journey home
I know the name
Of where I’m going
But don’t know will it meet
My heart’s desire

Ilse Kramer

Ilse Kramer

Ilse Kramer is the Poet Laureate of Central Congregational Church.

Posted in Poems about Travel.