November 2022 Newsletter

Central News

November 2022 Vol. 31, No. 3

Download the PDF version of the November Newsletter

Join Us For Sunday Worship at 10:30 am!

From Rebecca

Dear Central Friends, the Greek word “metanoia” has a root meaning of “a transformational change of heart, a fundamental change in one’s character or outlook on life.” It means to think again, to ponder in a new way, to change your mind, to start over. Poet Mary Oliver put it this way in her poem “The Swan”:

The path to heaven
doesn’t lie down in flat miles.
It’s in the imagination
with which you perceive this world,
and the gestures
with which you honor it.

I thought of Oliver’s poem when I was struck by a line in the book “The Last Green Valley,” describing a Ukrainian woman named Adeline who had undergone severe tragedies during World War II. Adeline remarks, “Life happens FOR me, not TO me.” The gestures and actions and reactions with which we honor this world are indeed so very important. They have consequences that ripple through the generations.

Amos and Sarah Lockwood’s children and grandchildren honored them with the gift of Chapel Hall in 1892. And now we have this splendid, reimagined space – in its third century – to share with communities large and small! Actions you take today make a difference for people you may never know!

With Thanksgiving coming soon, we have opportunities to reflect on how life happens FOR us. There will be celebrations, large and small, at Central – with neighbors and friends in worship together, at our Interfaith Thanksgiving, at home with family and friends, in volunteer work, in Acts of Random Kindness (choose your own random acts)!

I wish for you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving … a time for gathering … for reflection … for metanoia!  May God’s blessings be with you – Rebecca

Stories of Faith: Rhode Island to Ukraine

Central member Lorne Adrain and Meredith Pearson will be the featured speakers at the 2022 Rebecca L. Spencer Lecture Series: Stories of Faith – sharing their experiences assisting Ukraine refugees. The event will take place Friday, Nov. 11, at 6 pm, in Chapel Hall and conclude with a question-and-answer forum and refreshments. The lecture is open to the public.

Adrain and Pearson, longtime friends and neighbors who both have worked in the human rights and nonprofit sectors, watched Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfold on television and wanted to find ways to help – beyond hosting families and sending money. Social media intervened.

A Twitter callout inspired Pearson to board a plane and head for Przemyśl, a city in Poland near the Ukraine border. Adrain saw Pearson’s subsequent Facebook post about her work in Ukraine and soon booked his own trip. While there, they shuttled refugees crossing the border to train stations, processing centers, and other destinations and helped support the small, overwhelmed local organizations operating there – including World Central Kitchen, Polish Red Cross, and People in Need.

Now home in Providence, their work continues. Don’t miss these fascinating stories of faith that demonstrate how a small group of people can make a big difference!

The Rebecca L. Spencer Lecture Series – founded and endowed by Adrain to commemorate our senior minister’s 30 years of leadership – asks Rhode Islanders to share stories, perspectives, and insights that enrich, enliven, and strengthen the Ocean State community.

Grand Opening Invite

Seeking a Church Home?

If you are looking for a church – or know someone who is – we would love to talk with you about it at our Inquirers’ Meeting. It’s very informal. You’ll meet with our senior minister, Rebecca Spencer, and others like you who think Central may be the right church home. No commitment necessary. To join us, fill out a pew card during Sunday Worship or call the Church Office at 401-331-1960, and Rebecca will get in touch.

Inquirers’ Meeting
Wednesday, January 25, 7 pm

Faith Exploration
Tuesday, January 31, 7 pm

New Member Sunday
Sunday, February 5, 10:30 am

The Deacon’s Bench

Some of you know that I have some affection for etymology, the study of word and phrase roots. The origin of words and the ways their usage has changed over time can be very interesting and shed insight on the cultures that have used those words. When, in random conversation, the word “pontificate” popped up, I found myself wondering about it.

In current usage, “to pontificate” means “to express one’s opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic.” But in Roman Catholic use, it means to officiate over ceremony and comes from “pontiff” – or more fully, “pontifex.” My ninth-grade Latin kicked in, and I recognized the meaning of “pontifex” as “bridge-maker.”

As Gretchen Yealy wrote in last month’s Deacon’s Bench, we have been thinking hard about listening more openly. When you already agree with someone’s opinions and values, it is no challenge to speak with them. Indeed, such discussions often energize and leave one feeling even more firmly in those shared convictions. Social media create algorithms precisely to leverage – and monetize – this phenomenon. We are put in echo chambers where our opinions are upcycled and amplified to the point where any contrary point of view becomes willfully ignorant or even wicked.

We need to be bridge-makers. Whether between red and blue states, “woke” and “traditional” communities, or any of today’s polarizations; we need to make bridges. Even when differences are intense – individuals who dismiss systemic racism, white/male privilege, or cultures that don’t support the education of girls and women – we need to build bridges to recognize the humanness, and yes, even that of God, in those with whom we disagree.

Rebecca reminds us that the etymology of “religion” refers to a community “bound together.” Why do we need to be bound – literally, tied – together? Today, many will shop around for a church where they feel “at home.” While I do feel at home at Central, I hope that choosing a church is different from choosing between CNN or Fox News. Being bound together means that, while we may disagree with someone in the next pew, we are bound together as members of this church community. May we find ways to be bridge-makers, and in so doing, enrich our community rather than homogenize it. – Charley Rardin

Fall Church Cleanup

Come one, come all – young and not so young – to help prepare our church building and grounds for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. You’ll clean and rake, while you deepen friendships and start new ones. It will be one of the most rewarding mornings you’ve ever spent at Central. Please send project ideas and supply needs to Antonia Greco, ( And when you arrive, there will be coffee, doughnuts, and plenty of good cheer! Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 am to 12 noon. Questions? Contact Warren Jagger.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

On Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7 pm, Central Congregational Church once again will host Providence’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. This service and the following reception bring diverse congregations together in thanksgiving, while also celebrating and generating greater understanding of our differences and similarities. Last year, 14 Providence congregations joined us, so bring your friends and neighbors! This is a wonderful opportunity to worship together and give thanks as we reflect on the many gifts we receive as part of a 
diverse, interfaith community.

Rhode Island Association Annual Meeting

Central will host the 2022 Annual Meeting for the Rhode Island Association of the United Church of Christ (RIA) on Sunday, Nov. 13, from 2 to 4 pm – the first in-person meeting since the Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island Conferences merged in 2019. All are invited, especially delegates and clergy as voting members.

After worship, we will approve RIA’s 2023 budget, review officer nominations, and discuss new business related to our life and work together as an association. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Chris S. Davies, the new Executive Minister for Programs and Initiatives for the Southern New England Conference. All this and pie à la mode, too! Please plan to join your siblings in faith from across Rhode Island and be part of the movement of God’s spirit among us.

In Memoriam

Our prayers and sympathy are with Amy Punchak and family on the death of her mother, Pamela Campagna … and with Elaine Perry and family on the death of her husband Eugene. Requiescat in pace

New Member Potluck Luncheon

Welcome new members to the Central family during Worship and then stay after for the New Member Potluck Luncheon. The Membership Committee will provide main dishes, but you can enliven the fare by sharing a favorite side dish, casserole, salad, or dessert. Sunday, Nov. 6, after Worship, in Chapel Hall

Community Festival Table

At our Festival Service of Thanksgiving, the Flower Committee will decorate the chancel and communion table with mums, gourds, pumpkins, fruits, and vegetables. They hope to make the festivities more meaningful by displaying items grown or contributed by Central members and friends. To help, contact Marilyn Edwards or Margaret Gardner. Please place your donations in the coatroom in the boxes provided between Nov. 6 and 13.

Share Your Thanksgiving

If you would like to share Thanksgiving with other Central members – whether you have extra seats at your table or will be without family this year – please contact the church office. We’ll do a little “matchmaking” that we all will be grateful for.

Thanksgiving Food Baskets

Camp Street Community Ministries is once again seeking donations to make 400 Thanksgiving food baskets for our neighbors in need. They need frozen turkeys, stuffing mix, elbow macaroni, cranberry sauce, packets or cans of gravy, and brownie mix. No glass containers, please. Food should be delivered to Central no later than Wednesday, Nov. 16, 12 noon.

Camp Street is equally happy to accept monetary donations, which will go to buy turkeys. Checks – made out to Camp Street Community Ministries – can be dropped off at the church or mailed to 194 Camp Street, Providence, RI 02906. 
It is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions may be tax-deductible. Camp Street Community Ministries is a partner of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank and distributes to neighbors in need in the East Side, Fox Point, and Mount Hope neighborhoods.

Bring a Friend Sunday

As we prepare to celebrate our warm, wonderful, and musical Festival Service of Thanksgiving, it is a perfect time to share the Central community with a friend, neighbor, or colleague. Studies show that people are more likely to come to church when someone invites them! But inviting someone to church can feel difficult. So here are some sample conversations to consider.

It’s a Bring a Friend Sunday at my church this week, and I’d love it if you could join me. We will have great music, a thoughtful sermon, good programs for children, and lively mission outreach. Can I meet you there at 10:15 on Sunday, Nov. 20?

I’ve been wondering if you would like to come to church with me on Nov. 20 for our Festival Service of Thanksgiving. I know you may already attend a church, but this is a special “visitors’ Sunday,” and we could have brunch afterward. And possibly, I could go to church with you sometime too.

My church, Central on Angell Street, really means a lot to me, and everyone is inviting friends to join us on Sunday, Nov. 20. I would love to share this community with you.

We hope to see you and a friend on Sunday, Nov. 20! And wear your new name tag. It really does help guests feel more welcome! – Eric Bennett and Joyce Wolfe, 
Membership Committee Chairs

Sandwich Brigade

If you’re on the Mission & Action Committee, when you think about the month of November, you think about the Snack Brigade (formerly, Sandwich Brigade)! Every Sunday in November, following worship, Mission & Action will deliver fruit and individually wrapped snacks to Crossroads Rhode Island.

How can you help? From Sunday, Oct. 30 through Nov. 27, we will be at Coffee Hour with sign-up sheets for those of you who would like to make food donations. This could be a bag of oranges, a few bunches of bananas, a box of individually wrapped cookies, crackers, or Little Debbie’s snacks, etc. We have plenty of ideas. Just bring your food items to church on the appropriate Sunday, and leave them in the designated boxes set up in the coat room. We will take care of the rest! On behalf of our Crossroads neighbors, Mission & Action thanks you!

The Season for Kindness

If you haven’t already picked up one of our oval car signs, now is the time. There are two designs bearing Central’s website address –“CCC” and “Kindness Matters” – available as magnets and stickers. Pick them up in Chapel Hall after Sunday Worship or in the Church Office during the week. We welcome donations to help cover costs.

Save The Date

Krista Tippett – journalist, author, “On Being” creator/host, Brown University 
graduate, and National Humanities Medal winner – will be the featured speaker at the 2022 Darrell West Lecture Series on Saturday, December 3, at 6:30 pm.

Christmas at Central Needs You!

Our annual holiday bazaar will once again be open for business on Sunday, Dec. 4, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. We need your presence and your help to make this FUN-raiser the success we know it can be!

Volunteer your services!  Donate goods!  Spread the word!

We’ll start accepting donations on Sunday, Nov. 27. (Due to major events scheduled at the church, we are unable to receive items any earlier.) No books this year, please.

Set-up for the event will be on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 8:30 to 11:30 am. Let Claudia know if you can help (

And, please contact committee chairs to offer your goods and services:

  • The Lunch Room: Homemade soup and bread
    • Sue Chase Additional committee chair(s) needed!
  • Bursting Pomegranate: Fair Trade and sustainable gifts
    • Janet Jagger
  • The Gallery: Works of art at affordable prices
    • Jim Scott
  • Gift Baskets: Themed gifts that are sure to please
    • Heidi Iuliano, Bill Iuliano
  • Grandma’s Attic: Collectibles, antiques, and flea-market finds
    • Nancy Gage, Frances Munro
  • Craft Workshop: Handmade crafts, jewelry, and Christmas decor
    • Torin Mathieu, Donna Chace Larson
  • Sweet Shoppe: Homemade baked goods and treats
    • Amy Punchak
  • Wreaths by WORD: Lovely handcrafted wreaths
    • Judy Martowska
  • Clean-up:
    • Liz Viall
  • Publicity:
    • Ellen Miller (

We Still Need Your Pledge

The Stewardship Committee would like to thank all of Central’s members and faithful friends who have made pledges for the current fiscal year and who have continued religiously to make their payments.

While times are difficult – as we face higher heating, gas, and food costs – it is important to remember that we all have a financial responsibility to give to Central. Our pledges not only support our church school, youth groups, and local and global mission work; but also keep our sanctuary heated and clean while we connect with God through Rebecca and Claudia’s spiritual and thoughtful sermons.

It is not too late to pledge this year, and our website makes it very easy. Just go to and click on the “Give” button.

If you would like more information about the importance of pledging here at Central, please contact the Stewardship Committee co-chairs, Jeff Baran and Alex Arnold. Thank you for being stewards for our church and community!

From Claudia

It’s back! Christmas at Central, that is! Once again, we are able to invite the community to do their Christmas shopping in Chapel Hall – now newly reimagined! As many of you know, this is an amazing “FUN-raiser” – a chance to build community and have friends and neighbors experience Central’s unique hospitality. Between all of the committees and their chairs, more than 100 Centralites will work to make this event a success.

We will have our usual assortment of craft vendors, Grandma’s Attic, Sweet Shoppe, Wreaths by WORD, art for sale in the Gallery, and creative gift baskets. And, our own Bursting Pomegranate will be on hand for its final sale. Come and check out the last of these remarkable crafts from around the world – and thank Bursting Pomegranate committee members for the support they’ve provided to local missions for so many years.

We are still looking for one or two additional Lunch Room chairs. Perhaps you could help. You won’t have to reinvent the wheel. We know what has worked in the past. Lunch is soup and bread – all donated – sometimes with hot dogs and mac-and-cheese. Our guests love to eat together, and Christmas at Central lunch is an important part of the event’s warmth and openness. Plus, the aromas emanating from the kitchen help fill us all with the holiday spirit. Please think about how you might be part of this fabulous event!

At this time of year, leaves show off their true colors and invite us to jump into them. Edward Hays wrote, “As you, O Autumn, take pleasure in your great bounty, let me also take delight in the abundance of the simple things in life which are the true source of joy. With the golden glow of peaceful contentment may I truly appreciate this autumn day.”

I give thanks each and every day for this congregation. May we give thanks for all that we have and are in this place that is Central to our lives together!  In gratitude

– Claudia

Krista Tippett to Speak at Central

“Riveting” and “thought- provoking” are just two words that describe Central’s 2022 Darrell West Lecture Series on Religion and Politics. Never more than this year when Krista Tippett – public radio / podcast host, bestselling author, social entrepreneur, and Brown University graduate – will headline our open forum on the intersection between religion and politics.

Tippet is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, National Humanities Medalist, and New York Times bestselling author who has created a singular space for reflection and conversation in American and global public life. She founded and leads the On Being Project ( – a groundbreaking media and public life initiative pursuing “deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy to renew inner life, outer life, and life together.”

As the creator and host of the Peabody Award-winning On Being podcast, heard on more than 400 public radio stations across the U.S., Tippett takes up the great questions of human life: What does it mean to be human, how we do want to live, and who will we be to each other?

Tippett and her conversation partners – from theologians to social activists, physicists to poets – explore meaning amidst the ruptures and callings of twenty-first century life. The On Being podcast has been downloaded and played more than 300 million times and recognized as “Best Podcast” by The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Podcast Academy’s Awards for Excellence in Audio, and iHeartRadio Podcast Awards, among others.

In addition, Tippett is the author of three highly regarded books at the intersection of spiritual inquiry, social healing, science, and the arts including The New York Times bestseller “Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living,” “Einstein’s God: Conversations about Science and the Human Spirit,” and “Speaking of Faith: Why Religion Matters and How to Talk About It.” “Becoming Wise” was named a best nonfiction book of 2016 by The Washington Post and The Library Journal.

Krista Tippet will be the fifteenth lecturer in The Darrell West Lecture Series on Religion and Politics. Previous speakers have included U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry C. Black, Harvard Law Professor and author Noah Feldman, and Washington Post columnist and Georgetown University professor E.J. Dionne.

Join us for the 2022 Darrell West Lecture Series on Religion and Politics on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 6:30 pm, in Chapel Hall.

Share Your “Pinecone Harvest”

WORD will be making and selling beautiful Christmas wreaths to help fund next summer’s youth mission trip. And we need pinecones (they’re expensive)! Please help us out. As you are cleaning your yard, walking your dog, leaf peeping, etc., please collect any pinecones you encounter and donate them to WORD’s annual wreath fundraiser. Thanks!

Join the Curriculum Committee

The Religious Education Committee is seeking volunteers for this new committee, which will assess church school and religious education goals and priorities, as well as review and select new church school curricula. Please contact Judy if you are willing to serve. Dates, times, and frequency of meetings will be determined by the group’s availability.

Exhibition of Central Artists

What better way to reopen our reimagined Gallery than to exhibit works of art by talented church members? If you’d be interested in showing your work in a group exhibition of Central artists, please contact Donna Templeton (dftempleton122@gmail) no later than Monday, Nov. 21. The Gallery Committee welcomes two- and three-dimensional pieces. The number of items displayed will depend on the number of submissions received.

Adult Sunday School

This month, we will continue our study of “Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story” and then move on to “Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story,” which explores the life of another twentieth-century religious figure. The grandson of slaves, Thurman became a “spiritual foundation” for the civil rights movement, inspiring Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Jackson, Congressman John Lewis, and others. Questions? Ask Claudia. Sundays, Nov. 6, 13, 20, and 27; 9 am, in the Fireplace Room

Food for Thought Book Group

Our discussion of “Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood,” by Trevor Noah, the comedian’s memoir and tribute to his amazing mother, was postponed last month. So we’ll try again. Questions? Ask Claudia. Thursday, Nov. 10, 7 pm, in the Fireplace Room  Looking ahead: Dec. 8 – Potluck and Book Swap. Jan. 10 – “America for Beginners” by Leah Frangui

Women Gather

Let’s beat the Christmas rush and have our Yankee swap a little early this year! Please bring a wrapped gift – something you already have at home and are willing to part with! Also, let’s have a soup and bread lunch together. Perhaps two people would bring soup and two people, a loaf of bread? Volunteers, anyone? Contact 
Claudia. Sunday, Nov. 13, 12 noon, in Chapel Hall. We won’t meet in December, but will regather on Sunday, Jan. 8 to share epiphany stories!

Lunch At Gregg’s Restaurant

Join Central friends old and new to celebrate the end of a joyous Thanksgiving weekend. Check out Gregg’s extensive, family-friendly menu ( and RSVP to Claudia. Sunday, Nov. 27, 12 noon, at Gregg’s (1303 North Main St., Providence)

Central Men’s Group

Open to all ages, Central Men’s Group is a monthly breakfast gathering – held on the third Thursday of each month – for fellowship and spirited conversation on topics ranging from current events and ethics to trends and shared experiences. Questions? Contact Ed Bishop at 274-4666. Thursday, Nov. 17, 7:30 am, in the Fireplace Room

Rebecca’s Book Group

With the busy holidays fast approaching, there will be a joint November/December meeting of Rebecca’s Book Group. The book selection was still to be determined as Central News went to press. Thursday, Dec. 1, 12:30 pm, in the Fireplace Room

Children and Spirituality

I have always loved the fall with the crunch of leaves underfoot and the crisp wind blowing. However, I know many people who do not like fall; and for most of them, it has nothing to do with the actual season. In my curiosity, as I ask a little more, I often discover they appreciate fall’s beautiful and unique qualities. After this though comes “the but.” One is “but you know what comes next – the cold, the snow, the ice of winter. Whenever it’s fall, I know winter’s next, so I don’t like fall.” The second “but” is similar: “Yes, fall can be nice, but it also means that we’re all that much closer to the constant rush and activity of the holiday season, when it’s all just go, go, go. It begins with getting ready for Thanksgiving – and just gets worse from there.”

Both of these viewpoints virtually ignore the glorious and remarkable characteristics of the fall season. They look beyond the gifts of the present and move right into the problems and worries of the future.

Children pick up our attitudes and the way we see life. It is important to spend time in the present and not always focus on the future. When you have quiet time with your child – whether at bedtime, at the dinner table, or in the car – take some time to talk about the gifts of the day, the week, or the month. Be a model for your children. Let them see how you notice and appreciate the present moment and give thanks for its gifts – or ask for help and strength to get through its struggles.

November is a time for deeply acknowledging what we thankful for, the good we have done, and the good others have done in our lives. It is a time to notice and praise our Creator for all. Don’t fret about the shopping season. Don’t worry about the snow that will certainly come. Don’t lose this time to say “thank you” to God – with your children and without them. As you continue building your prayer life, your children will gain a stronger foundation, and the spiritual life of your family will grow deeper.  Peace and blessings – Judy

All Saints Day

All Saints Day is always a joyous occasion at Central. The church school children create posters of one or two people whom they see as saints in their lives. It is a diverse and wonderful assortment. They attach their drawings to grocery bags and take them home to fill with non-perishable foods for people in need. Then on Sunday morning, the children process into the church – our traditional All Saints Parade – bringing their pictures and filled grocery bags. It is a great finish to a heartfelt church school project.

This year, All Saints Day – Sunday, Nov. 6 – will be all that and more. In addition to our All Saints’ Parade, we will welcome new members into the Central family.

We encourage you to invite friends and neighbors to this poignant service as we remember and celebrate saints – of history and of the present day – who have touched our lives as Christians.

Angel Giving Tree

Help create a Merry Christmas for children in DCYF care. Our Angel Giving Tree will be in the coatroom on the first Sunday of Advent – Nov. 27 – full of names of children and teens who could use some love and a few extra smiles this Christmas. Choose a tag from the tree. Each bears a child’s name, age, and gender. Select a thoughtful, age-appropriate gift. Wrap your gift, write the contents on back of the original tag, and attach it. Then, deliver your gift back to the Angel Tree. Questions? Ask Judy. We thank you for helping share God’s love!

Join the Children’s Choir

After a two-year hiatus, Central’s Children’s Choir – for all children in grades three through eight – is up and running. It’s not too late to get involved and sing at our wonderful holiday services. Rehearsals are on Mondays from 5 to 6 pm. If you have questions, contact Patrick.

TreeTrails Adventures

NEOS and WORD will discover the thrill of climbing and zip lining above the forest floor at this Mystic, Conn., adventure park. Regardless of your age or skill level, there is plenty of fun and team building to be had. Bring a sack lunch to eat at church, and then we’ll head to TreeTrails for an aerial adventure. Questions? Contact Judy. Sunday, Nov. 6, 11:30 am

Confirmation Class

Confirmands will be looking at their faith, asking questions, and engaging in discussions focused on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Please note the change in meeting dates this month. Sundays, Nov. 13 and 20, 11:30 am, in the Church School wing.

Fall Church Clean Up

The Confirmation Class, NEOS, and WORD will join other Central volunteers in preparing our church building and grounds for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. There will be coffee, doughnuts, and plenty of good cheer! Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 am to 12 noon.

Mystery Scavenger Hunt

WORD will put on their sleuthing caps for an in-house Mystery Scavenger Hunt. Sunday, Nov. 27, after Worship.

Teen Tuesdays and Thursdays

Judy is at the church every Tuesday and most Thursday afternoons. Teens are welcome to drop in to talk. If you’d like to stop by at another time, just call or text.

Family Advent Packets

Once again, we will have Family Advent Packets to help you celebrate the holiday season. The packets include readings and prayers for each week of Advent, prayers for blessing the Christmas tree and crèche, craft ideas, suggestions for acts of kindness, interesting facts about Jesus’ birth as well as our celebration of His birth. It’s a great way to make time and space for faith – not only in your children’s lives, but also in your own. Pick up your packet in the Church School wing on Sundays or in the church office during the week.

November Events

1 Religious Education Committee 6:30 pm
2 Amos House Breakfast Volunteers 6:30 am
Gallery Committee 9:30 am
3 Board of Deacons 5:30 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm
6 Daylight Savings Begins Fall Back
Adult Sunday School 9 am
Stewardship Committee 9:15 am
All Saints Day / New Member Sunday 10:30 am
Church School 10:30 am
New Member Luncheon 11 am
NEOS and WORD 11:30 am
Social Committee 11:45 am
7 Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5 pm
8 Amos House Personal-Needs Volunteers 9 am
9 Amos House Breakfast Volunteers 6:30 am
10 Food for Thought Book Group 7 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm
11 Stories of Faith Lecture Series 6 pm
12 Memorial Service: Eugene Perry 11 am
13 Adult Sunday School 9 am
Worship 10:30 am
Church School 10:30 am
Confirmation Class 11:30 am
Women Gather 12 noon
Rhode Island Association Annual Meeting 2 pm
14 Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5 pm
15 Plant & Properties Committee 5:45 pm
Prudential Committee 7 pm
16 Amos House Breakfast Volunteers 6:30 am
Mission & Action Committee 6 pm
17 Central Men’s Group 7:30 am
Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm
18 Chapel Hall Grand Opening 5:30 pm
19 Fall Church Clean Up 9 am
20 Adult Sunday School 9 am
Festival Service of Thanksgiving / Bring a Friend Sunday 10:30 am
Church School 10:30 am
Confirmation Class 11:30 am
Newsletter Deadline 3:30 pm
21 Listings due for Christmas at Central Gallery 12 noon
Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5 pm
22 Amos House Personal-Needs Volunteers 9 am
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 7 pm
23 Amos House Breakfast Volunteers 6:30 am
24 Thanksgiving Day
27 Christmas at Central Donations Welcome 9 am
Worship / First Sunday of Advent 10:30 am
Church School 10:30 am
WORD 11:30 am
Lunch at Gregg’s 12 noon
28 Gallery Committee 12 noon
Children’s Choir Rehearsal 5 pm
Technology Committee 7 pm
30 Amos House Breakfast Volunteers 6:30 am


The Church Office will close for Veteran’s Day: November 11 and Thanksgiving: November 23 at 12 noon, November 24, and November 25.


Posted in Newsletters.