The Hedge Hogs – Tom Viall

The Hedge Hogs

By Tom Viall

The Good Hedge Hogs live in a quilted spread
In a nest, in a box at the foot of my bed.
When the weather’s fair and my day has been bright
The Good Hedge Hogs come out and stay for the night.
They climb up the sheets and over my knees
And they rock me sleep just as sweet as you please.

The Bad Hedge Hogs live in my bedroom too
In the very same place where I once lost a shoe.
The Bad Hedge Hogs like the nights, sad news can create
So they climb on my belly and keep me awake.
When I’m mad or I’m angry or I’ve had a bad day
That’s the night when Bad Hedge Hogs won’t stay away.

If you listen real close when it gets very late
Under my bed you’ll hear hedge hogs debate.
The good ones declare “Oh, he’s a nice chap.”
Then the bad ones chime in with “Nothing Like That!”
And I lie, all awake, and hear all that is said
And wonder which hog will get into my bed.

The good or the bad? it’s anyone’s guess
I’d like to be rid of this whole Hedge Hog mess.
But I still stay awake too late all the time
Waiting for Hedge Hogs to make up their minds.
And most times the Good Hedge Hogs win by a nose;
They rock me to sleep with poems and prose.

But now and again the Bad Hedge Hogs they win
And they keep me awake and tickle my chin.
Some nights are just perfect, others I dread
Because I have Hedge Hogs that live under my bed.

Tom Viall

Tom Viall

Tom Viall is the Webmaster of and can attest first-hand to the marvelous persuasive powers of Ilse Kramer to bring out the poet in anyone.

Posted in Poet Laureate.