For love of a Winterberry – Barry Bayon

For love of a Winterberry
By Barry Bayon

Oh holly by another name,

An ornament in winter gardens is your fame.

We look forward to your three foot frame.

Native to North America is your claim,

And in floral arrangements is one of your aims.

Your globus red drupe sustains

Our feathered friends in winter,

And your medicine soothes our fevered brows making it gentler.

We await your berries’ arrival with thanks,

For the gift to the season of Christmas love on snowy banks.

Barry Bayon

Barry Bayon

Barry Bayon is a deacon at Central Church. He lives in North Kingstown, R..I. with his wife, Barbara. He teaches in the Management Dept. at Bryant University.  His interest in poetry started with his aunt who had several books of her poems published.

Posted in Poems about Love, Poet Laureate.