Darrell West Lecture

Saturday, March 1, 6:30 pm

Rev. William Barber II – “the closest person we have to Martin Luther King, Jr. in our midst” – will headline the 2025 Darrell West Lecture. Barber is the best-selling author of five books and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, a revival of Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1968 movement to fight poverty. His speech, “We Are Called To Be A Movement,” will address the intersection between religion and politics in America. A question-and-answer session and book signing follow the lecture.

New Nursery Hours

Sundays, 9 am

The Nursery will now open at 9 am on Sundays, so those with children may attend choir rehearsal, Adult Sunday School, and any other pre-Worship committee meetings or activities.  And please welcome Beth Callaway, Central’s newest nursery worker, who will be working alongside longtime team member, Kathleen O’Hara.

Amos House Breakfast Volunteers

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:30 am

Please consider becoming an Amos House Breakfast Volunteer! Amos House provides 400 meals every morning. And on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 am, Central members meet in the Amos House kitchen to help assemble pre-packaged breakfasts. If you can volunteer every week, that’s great. But if you can only come occasionally, we welcome – and need – every extra set of hands. Questions? Contact Tracy Baran (tmoorf@gmail.com).

Adult Sunday School 

Sunday, Feb. 2, 9 am

This month, Adult Sunday School will continue to explore “From Jesus to Christ,” learning the story of the first Christians as their new movement dramatically changed the Roman Empire in 300 years. Questions? Ask Claudia. Please join us in the Fireplace Room.

Fun City Trampoline Park

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2 to 4 pm

CCC Kids and Youth, get ready to have a great time jumping at Fun City! The 30,000-square-foot facility has activities for all ages! Trampoline to your heart’s 
content, jam at slam ball, or
“swim” in the foam pit. RSVP to Susannah (470-223-0337). Tickets are $24. We’ll meet at Fun City (1275 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, 508-557-0441)!

Fourth Thursday Book Group

Thursday, Jan 23, 12:30 pm

This month, the Fourth Thursday Book Group will kick off the new year, discussing “The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder” by David Grann. This page-turning story of shipwreck, survival, and savagery culminates in a court martial that reveals shocking truths. Contact Ann Scott at eannscott56@gmail.com for a Zoom invitation. Coming up Feb. 27: “Master Slave Husband Wife,” by Ilyon Woo