Christmas at Central!

Set-up: Saturday, Dec. 7, 8:30 am
Event: Sunday, Dec. 8, 11:30 am 

Spread the word: This one-stop-shopping mecca features the Craft Workshop (handmade crafts, jewelry, and holiday décor), the Gallery, themed Gift Baskets, Grandma’s Attic (collectibles, antiques, and flea-market finds), Sweet Shoppe (homemade baked goods), handcrafted Wreaths by CCC Youth, Ye Olde Book Cellar (new and gently read books), and Lunch Room, where guests can enjoy homemade soup and bread.

CCC Youth Wreath Making

Wreath Making:  Saturday, Dec. 7, 11 am

CCC Youth’s annual sale of hand-decorated Christmas wreaths is the major fundraiser for its summer mission trip. Please help our youth make the wreaths (children should be accompanied by an adult, please). Just join us in the Makepeace Room for all sorts of crafty fun with glue guns, pinecones, and ribbons. And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to order your wreath(s) during coffee hour!

Christmas at Central Donations Welcome!

Beginning Sunday, Dec. 1

Our holiday bazaar will open for business on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Help make this FUNraiser the success we know it can be! We’ll start accepting donations on Dec. 1. We especially need books – new and gently used – and items for Grandma’s Attic. (No toys, games or videos, please.) Just drop off donations on the Chapel Hall stage. We’re also looking for volunteers to make gift baskets and contribute baked goods.

Contact our committee chairs to offer your services.

Craft Workshop: handmade crafts
Torin Mathieu ([Read More]

Share Your “Pinecone Harvest”

CCC Youth will be selling handmade Christmas wreaths to help fund next summer’s youth mission trip. And they need pinecones! So as you are cleaning your yard, walking your dog, leaf peeping, etc., please collect pinecones of any size or type and drop them off in the box labeled “Cones for Youth Group” in Chapel Hall. Then join us in the Makepeace Room on Saturday, Dec. 7, 11 am to 1 pm, to make the wreaths.

Family Service Day

Saturday, Nov. 30, 12:30 pm

Central families and friends are invited to join CCC Youth at Church Beyond the Walls for worship and lunch. This remarkable street-church community builds solidarity among people from all walks of life: housed and unhoused, poor and privileged, churched and unchurched. Questions? Contact Susannah. We’ll meet at 275 North Main Street in Providence – and should be finished by 2 pm.


Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 7 pm

This year, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church (50 Orchard Avenue, Providence) will host Providence’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. The service brings diverse congregations together in thanksgiving, while also celebrating and generating greater understanding of our differences and similarities. In the past, as many as 14 Providence congregations have participated, so bring your friends and neighbors! It’s wonderful to worship together, give thanks, and reflect on the many gifts we receive as part of a diverse, interfaith community.